8 minutes
Introduction to GitOps on Kubernetes with Flux v2

Today we’re having a look at how to set up a GitOps pipeline for your Kubernetes cluster with Flux v2.
We will first go through some core concepts of Flux and then create our first GitOps workflow.
You will need access to a Kubernetes cluster, a shell interface and a Github account to follow this guide. Note that you can use any git provider (Gitlab, Bitbucket, custom) but you’ll have to modify the provided example commands.
What is GitOps?
GitOps is a way of managing your infrastructure and applications so that whole system is described declaratively and version controlled (most likely in a Git repository), and having an automated process that ensures that the deployed environment matches the state specified in a repository.
In Kubernetes practice this means that git
is used over kubectl
, etc) to perform operations tasks against the cluster.
Pushing to master
triggers a deployment to the cluster. We can work with branches and Merge Requests to diff and
review changes to the desired cluster state. We can audit past cluster states with git log
. We can rollback a change
using git revert
What is Flux v2?
Flux v2 is a Toolkit for building GitOps workflows on Kubernetes.
In simplified terms, Flux v2 is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster and configured to watch git repositories containing Kubernetes manifests.
As Flux watches all our repos and pulls the changes into the cluster, we can focus on writing our Kubernetes manifests. We don’t have to worry about client-side tooling and pushing the changes from every git repo into the cluster. This is what GitOps is about.
We will come back to the individual Flux components once we’ve installed them in the upcoming steps.
Installing Flux v2
We’ll follow the official docs and use the flux
CLI tool.
You can install it with:
curl -s https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/install.sh | sudo bash
# enable completions in ~/.bash_profile
. <(flux completion bash)
The flux bootstrap
command will ensure that:
- A new GitOps repository for our manifests is created on Github
- A
namespace with all Flux components is configured on our cluster - The Flux controllers are set up to sync with our new git repository
âšī¸ Note that there’s also Terraform Provider as an alternative installation method.
The following snippet shows an annotated bootstrap command.
Feel free to play around with flux bootstrap --help
to get to know all available options.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-gitlab-token-here> # 1
flux bootstrap \
github \ # 2
--owner <your-github-user> \ # 3
--repository cluster-name \ # 4
--personal \ # 5
--private \ # 6
--path cluster \ # 7
--branch master # 8
- We’re going to need to give
access to our Github account so that it can manage our GitOps repository on our behalf. You can generate a new Personal Access Token in Github Settings. - We need to tell Flux that we’re using Github as git provider. You can also use Gitlab and generic git servers.
- The Github username.
- The name of our git repository.
- (Optional) We’re creating a personal Github repo.
- (Optional) We’re starting out with a private Github repo.
- (Optional) A path inside the repository to be watched by Flux.
- (Optional) The git branch to be watched by Flux.
The bootstrap command is interactive and will let you know about the progress and state of the installation.
This is all you need to get up and running with Flux. Note that the boostrap command is idempotent and can also be used with an existing GitOps repository.
Inspecting the Flux components đĩ
The flux-system namespace
Let’s take a look at what was deployed to the k8s cluster for us.
# Let's have a look at the Flux controllers...
kubectl get pods -n flux-system
out:helm-controller-c858b9c65-v8pgr 1/1 Running 28 17d
out:kustomize-controller-6767b8fd78-8ptd4 1/1 Running 30 17d
out:notification-controller-db467b4fb-pt9tc 1/1 Running 29 17d
out:source-controller-7b4d748b45-2blvd 1/1 Running 28 17d
# And the custom resource definitions...
kubectl get crd -o name | grep flux
Great! The Flux controllers are running and we have a bunch of new CustomResourceDefinitions available to us. Read ahead to learn more about how those play together.
The GitOps repository
To better understand how Flux works, let’s now take a look at the directory structure of our bootstrapped GitOps repository on Github. We’re going to see that the bootstrap command has created some Kubernetes yamls for us.
git clone git@github.com:${username}/cluster-name.git
cd cluster-name
out:âââ cluster
out:â âââ flux-system
out:â âââ gotk-components.yaml
out:â âââ gotk-sync.yaml
out:â âââ kustomization.yaml
out:âââ README.md
out:2 directories, 4 files
Cool. We’ll go through the individual files.
The cluster directory
This directory was created because we used flux bootstrap ... --path cluster ...
during bootstrapping.
We’ll see in a second that this folder is also special because it’s being watched by the Flux kustomization-controller
Any Kubernetes yaml that we throw in this directory will be deployed to our cluster. It also means that we can have
different files and directories in our repository that will never make it to the cluster. This is useful because we could
have one single git repository for our infrastructure declarations and divide it into sub-paths for different k8s clusters
or environments. For example, we could bootstrap multiple Flux environments and use paths like
, stage-cluster
, prod-cluster
That’s just one way to organize. It’s nice that we have this flexibility.
The flux-system directory
This directory represents the flux-system
k8s namespace and contains Kubernetes declarations.
I like to continue this pattern and create a subdirectory for each namespace that I deploy with Flux.
âââ cluster
âââ flux-system
âââ monitoring
âââ cool-app-namespace
âââ monitoring
This isn’t required. You’re flexible and can structure the /cluster
directory like you want!
As we can see Flux created a simple kustomization.yaml
for us. If you’re not familiar with Kustomize
you can just ignore this for now. All it does is include the other two files in the cluster/flux-system
# cluster/flux-system/kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- gotk-components.yaml
- gotk-sync.yaml
This file contains the GitOps ToolKit components đ¤¯ -
in here you will find the Deployments and Services for the Flux controllers and all the CustomResourceDefinitions
that we’ve already seen when we inspected the flux-system
This file is generated by the flux bootstrap
command and you shouldn’t have to deal with it manually.
The file gotk-sync.yaml
is more interesting to us. This file declares our first two custom resources for Flux.
# cluster/flux-system/gotk-sync.yaml
apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
namespace: flux-system
interval: 1m0s
branch: master
name: flux-system
url: ssh://git@github.com/your-user-name-here/cluster-name
apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
name: flux-system
namespace: flux-system
interval: 10m0s
path: ./cluster
prune: true
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
validation: client
Let’s take a closer look at these two…
The flux-system GitRepository
The first custom resource is of type GitRepository. A GitRepository is one of the possible Sources that are picked
up by the Flux source-controller
Once a repository is registered with this controller, the Flux toolkit is able to watch it for changes
and notify other Flux controllers to apply the contents to the cluster.
This specific GitRepository definition tells Flux to check the master
branch of our new GitOps repository
from Github. every 1m0s
using a flux-system
secret for authentication
(this secret contains your Github Personal Access Token that we created during bootstrapping).
Note that we could create more GitRepository resources and effectively sync any number of GitOps repositories with our Flux-enabled cluster.
Example use-case: You have multiple teams that want to deploy to one cluster. You want each team to maintain their own infrastructure repository. You could set up Flux on the cluster such that it pulls each team’s repository.
Read more in the Flux Docs.
The flux-system Kustomization
The second custom resource in this file is a (Flux-) Kustomization.
â ī¸ Not to be confused with a Kustomize resource.
A Flux Kustomization describes a path inside of a Source that Flux should apply to the cluster. It’s assumed that there are Kubernetes yamls and/or Kustomize yamls located in the directory at the named path.
The Flux kustomize-controller
is going to periodically apply the yamls at the given location to our cluster.
Here’s a simplified walk-through of how the kustomize-controller
is going to install our k8s resources.
- Checkout the configured branch from
- Change the working directory to the specified path:
- Build a root
yaml at this location if no explicit one is available:kustomize create --autodetect --recursive > kustomization.yaml
- Apply the result:
kubectl apply -k kustomization.yaml`
I think it’s good to know how kustomize
is being used to build the final Kubernetes manifest from our GitOps repo.
The commands above can be used for testing locally. This is especially helpful when you mix plain Kubernetes yamls with
Kustomize yamls as this has an impact on the recursive auto-detection.
Deploying own resources
Let’s do a really simple example on how to deploy stuff to our cluster.
All we want to do is create a new namespace “awesome-namespace”.
# Create a new directory for our namespace
mkdir cluster/awesome-namespace
# Create the Kubernetes namespace descriptor
cat <<EOF > cluster/awesome-namespace/namespace.yaml
out:apiVersion: v1
out:kind: Namespace
out: name: awesome-namespace
# Commit and push the change
git add .
git commit -m "Add 'awesome-namespace'"
git push
Lean back and watch as the new namespace is shipped to our cluster đŗī¸
We installed the Flux GitOps toolkit to a Kubernetes cluster and deployed a Kubernetes manifest by only using git
Along the way we learnt about the Flux components.
I hope this gave you an introduction on what Flux v2 is, how it works and how you can use it to enhance your CI/CD workflows.
I’m planning to write more about this topic in the future. We’ll take a look at how to integrate SOPS for secret handling, how to deploy Helm Charts and how to set up Flux notifications.
If you read this far, hit me up in the comments, on Twitter or Instagram to let me know how I did.
Thanks đ
fluxcd gitops kubernetes devops kustomize
1680 Words
2021-02-19 00:00 +0000 (Last updated: 2021-02-23 22:07 +0000)
a96cee7 @ 2021-02-23